Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Language of a/the Hustle


Language of a/the Hustle

This topic derived from a notion I had of the developed verbosity of my step-daughter's son, who 7-years ago had trouble putting together a sentence, and now because of his interactions with his remote video game partners is the most verbose by volume of words spoken in this house right now. Even more important was his relationship with others and his increased estimation of himself.

I'm going to touch on the issue of 'wokism' and 'CRT' as analogous to what the maternal grandson has achieved for himself. The extensive conversations engendered while playing the video games with remote players has developed a culture of lexicon and vocabulary that has taken him from an emotional dependency to a mercenary dependency. The former dependency was from an inability. The latter is from the newly found self-definition of himself and consequently those in his functional environment. His language development and sense of identity shows the importance of the language WE CHOOSE for our own mental navigation with and among others. The degree the language we choose is of our personal choice for our navigational and simultaneously emotional needs is the degree of our own self-determination.

It's at this point that 'the hustle' becomes pertinent to this topic. When I talk about 'the hustle', I'm talking about the means we employ 'to get by', 'to make it' on whatever terms is necessary to adapt, adjust, accommodate ourselves to our circumstances [NOT THE DANCE]

Getting-by as a 'Hustle' was classically and is still derived from surviving from hand-to-mouth on the street. It was by and for an expedient ends-surviving, getting by. It became an extrapolated metaphor of 'surviving', 'getting-by' in the slum, a ghetto.

Thing about it now, is that people live in the slums and ghettoes of their minds, as they see [though don't recognize it] in the same way that people on the streets do things for things and status. It's done away from the streets in more pristine environs. Yet, the motivations are very similar.

The rat-race for trappings, whether for survival or for comfort and luxuries brings out similar rationales of expedience.

It's all about getting out of the rat-race and being free. I'd say that even for the rich with connections and influence it's still 'the great escape'. Being in a position above it all to the street hustler's being a part of an all-enveloping game is the difference of perspective with the socially and legally connected and influential to the street counter-part.

The hustler may call you a pimp or a whore, not as a slander of you but equating you in his outing-idioms by how you act. Whether you are run by others or you run others is the class distinction of street hustlers. Trapping are no more than the props of your hustle. Your pretentions a. His nd posturing are 'the con' of your hustle.

Bringing it back to language and culture, language and its lexicon are part of the aura of illusion by which you define yourself and those like you for the way you act and resultingly are.

It's here that people pimp themselves out and become whores of their own lexicon of linguistics. Give anyone, any group an exclusive space for themselves, their thoughts and choice of word descriptions then you have the self-aura of word illusions. Pimped out and whored-out by your own aura of words-a self-generated/inflicted caste.

When it's said, 'Don't blame the Playa. Blame the Game.', I'm brought back to that 11 year old kid budding verbosity from playing remote competition on video games. His verbosity of language, its lexicon of self-identity come from the context of being a playa of those games. We have developed in similar ways for our self-identification and purpose by the agenda of games that comprise how we get by and get-it-on in our 'hustle'!

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