Thursday, November 17, 2022

Rock and a Hard place-360 degrees of abuse

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 Are You Feeling Completely Stuck? - The Happy Sensitive

Rock and a hard spot for many from each of their mostly separated locales and versions of their particular abuse exploitation of the 'ruling class' known on Army latrine stall walls from the point of view of the drafted GI's in '70-'74, 'the Unwilling Serving the Arrogant Ruling the Many in Your name.

Eisenhower's warning of a Mil-Indus-Complex has morphed into a network of enabling oligarchist and wanna-be plutocrats. What was portrayed in Godfather-II of the Havana Meet in pre-Castro Cuba by the mob bosses licking their lips of having financial control of a government existing under an autocratically designed constitution that suited their ends was not lost on those who used Lee Harvey Oswald, who played the part as their patsy in their assassination of JFK, whose planned withdrawal in disenchantment from Vietnam and rapprochement with the Ruskis would be starving the slush fund of over-budget contract being paid out, as well as the Civil Rights tendency that would come after the '64 election (never realizing that LBJ had strong populist equity sentiments as much as the Eastern blue blood Kennedys were coming to accept. Civil rights for the least precipitates the empowerment of assertion of rights and necessary entitlements (health care-housing-wage equity) by the general public.

The Origins of That Eisenhower 'Every Gun That Is Made...' Quote Ben Stein ar Twitter: "Michael Corleone attends Hyman Roth's birthday in  Havana. #Cuba" / Twitter 

What was JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald's link to New Orleans? Curious  Louisiana finds many. | Curious Louisiana | nola.comBlack America Before LBJ's "Great Society": How the Welfare State Helped  Ruin Black Communities

Dems fearing a socialist revolution that would end their pretensions of liberal minded sympathetes and access to the shared good cop/bad cop power with the Dixiecrats/proto-free markets-GOP wanting to maintain their control of the social hierarchy positions they had culturally and economically over their respective under classes have played a game that has its most audacious abuse in the Israeli-Zionist-Palestinian-Arab Nationalist deadlock. Do just enough to keep the Israeli-Zionist power structure as it is while providing feckless rhetoric and ineffectual token aid to the Palestinians.

Israel destroys residential building in brutal Gaza assault

They feed on money not abstract sentiments. How ever they can contort themselves to look as if they ever had ethical or moral sentiments when the amoral acts of impunity would create a rhetorical backlash, at the least: they do it.

The Psychology of Money Summary - Four Minute Books

There's NEVER been a democracy, per se. Just a gradual break down of oligarchic and plutocratic privilege. But the breakdown got to the point where the ruling class and those benefiting from it saw that 'Democracy' was too expensive to continue domestically in the form of wide spread distribution of tangible wealth that would put limits on their earnings. So 'over there' to developing countries as China and India, then SE Asia and eventually Africa where the human an raw resources are cheaper to come by then in the democratizing domestic domain.

Roots of American ValuesResearch Guide: Plutocratic Insurgency - The Gilded Age Redux | Small Wars  Journal

Election Day's Big Winner Is Oligarchy | The Snitch

Like starved pack of animals we fight with each other over the scraps WE ARE ALLOWED to have.