Sunday, April 13, 2008

Vetting the Pre-Gospel Jesus

Vetting Jesus
the Political Satire for the Obama Skeptics

In NO WAY is this to compare the personage of Obama to the one many hold as the Christ. But since the integrity of Obama's message has been questioned due to his past associations, then we could investigate the satire of vetting Christ's childhood and adult associations before his ministry began.
In the Gospel Christ spoke to this when he was asked about John the Baptist. Christ chided the present generation that dismissed John for the idosyncracies of his ministry out in the wilderness, while at the same time deriding Jesus for his associations with wine bibbers and publicans.

Let us delve further into the associations of this "Prince of Peace". Who were those who spoke disparingly about the Samaratans and other non-Jews. Who were those of his associates that cursed and damned the Romans or still held bitterness and resentment against the Egyptians. And who were those who had heard about the Zoarastrians of Persia and their pagan dependencies on the stars. Or those Hellenistic heathen-Greeks whom the Maccabees defeat of them is gloriously celebrated in the Festival of Lights. Those slaves and people from the Dark Continent with their equally pagan and heathen ways received derogoatory commentaries, most likely, in light of the fervent religous traditions of the Jewish people.
What of all those groupings of people in that maelstrom of cultural and political dynamics of Judea at the time of Augustus and Tiberius Caesar? Were his rabbis and scholars men of temperance and rectitude. Were they people of passion and indignation for their people, their beliefs, and their culture.

How could Jesus be believed that he could rise above all that was the status quo of his time. Perhaps Judas' prime motivation was knowing the mileu, organic and intellectual, from which Jesus came. Thus, Judas cynically believed that Jesus was capable of being the sword of retribution that Israel had been waiting for as their Messiah.
Such cynicism and skepticism is age old as our hopes are awashed in our fears and doubt in crawfish like syndrome of dragging others down to the level of our limitations so that we can feel justified in the darkness of our own inertia to improbable idealisms of change.

It will take the courageous few to undo the degradations of the boldy callous

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The salutations from the grassroots

The Populist Code
Hello from South Omaha
There is a wind blowing. It is the psychic bond that connects us carnally and cognitively. It's movement flows through us all.">

It will take the lead of the courageous few to offset the predations of the audaciously callous.

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The New Tarbaby Adventures

The New "Tar-Baby" Adventures
From Afghanistan to Iran, Br'er George's War on Terror is stickier than Ol' Br'er Rabbit Had with that Tarbaby
The New Tar-Baby Adventures

Br'er George was moving down the road from Afghanistan and was basking in the glow of a slam-dunk spanking he had given the Taliban Family. He realized this neighborhood was dangerous to his long term interests (along with reports of plots against Gran George). He was resolved he was going to do something about it.

In particular, there was Br'er Saddam who seemed as incorrigible as ever, showing no one no respect , even after having his butt handed to him, earlier. Well, Br'er George wasn't going to have anymore of this, particulary since Br'er Saddam was still being a political nuisance and the bogeyman, military threat.

Br'er George was saying to himself, "We dropped the ball on those NGO-terrorists, we can't do the same on a government organized for such a capability."

Never mind that Br'er Saddam was as secular as the Devil, or that none of his citizens had been apart or associated with the "19 Martyrs" responsible for the sneak (?) attack and deaths of American citizens on our homeland. With nothing else to keep the angst at the high level of retribution for the public-and the malleability of the Congress for the "Patriotic Cause", Br'er George needed a new focus, since capturing Br'er Osama and his Taliban hosts in the hills of the Hindu-Kush was not going to happen soon enough for him to continue his agenda.

So Br'er George confronts Br'er Saddam about those rumored intelligence of his WMD's. Br'er Saddam, like that tar-baby. wasn't going to say nothing to give himself away, one way or another. He had problems at home and next door in Iran with those sectarian Shiites. Better give a bluff and hope he could run out the clock on US domestic retribution than expose himself as an OZian tyrant with nothing bigger than a desire in his hands, leaving himself vulnerable to less credibility and less fear by which he existed and stayed in power.

Well, Br'er George couldn't have asked for anything more. Besides his "wise-men" said that taking out Saddam would be a repeat of the easy job done in Afghanistan, with even more upside for the projected enterprise. "What could possibly go wrong??"Politically, not much. The Dems were more docile than Sylvester the Cat. The "Bleeds it Leads" media were loving the ratings revenue they were getting from the geo-political drama that was better than their "reality " shows. We had the weapons and the troops. This was going to be a victory parade even greater than the march down the Champs Elysee in 1944 Paris.

Unfortunately, as Saddam realized that the Congress and the UN were rolling over for the worse case scenario he was enabling by his inferred acknowledgement of having what everybody was rightly or cynically speculating about his WMD, he knew his titular days as head of the government were numbered. BUT, Br'er Saddam reasoned, he might no longer rule from his palaces, but he could direct guerilla operations from a spider-hole, if necessary. He'd send his least trust worthy units to the front to be the sacrificial "Spartans of Themopolye" while his hard-core loyalist would melt into the hills to organize for the insurgency.

This tar-bay plot thickens. The Coalition of the Willing negligently lets the Iraqi army dissolve and go there way without any confinement and vetting, AND they left the munitions out for any enterprising passer-by to get "free-fire works". AND they didn't put a lid on the borders.

Br'er George just compounded things more by announcing "Bring'em on" to any counter-occupation forces wanting to challenge the C-o-W. Br'er Osama, learning of these strategic and tactical lapses gets his hyper-ego visions of more insults to Br'er George and the Americans. As well, every other jihadi-wanna be the "Saladin" of this millenia heads for the Iraqi border. The Iraqi border was as well controlled as the US southern-Mexican border.

Five years later, Br'er George hasn't gotten the Champs Elysee reception, but a Stalingrad resistance. The latest strategy has his troops sitting on the lid of a suppressed insurgency that either has morphed into a cooperative confederate or a laying in wait civil war and alien jihadi-caliphate desiring invasion.

Having enough volunteers and re-enlistees for a minimal credible presence, Br'er George has to hold onto to this tar-baby hope that his successor will get another political mandate from an electorate whose economic security, let alone their domestic criminal justice security from random mass killings is becoming more of an ominous, imminent threat than we departing Iraq to its own domestic politics and geo-political fate.

Br'er George doesn't see his hands blood-red, but just blackened by the tar of pesistence he's held onto.

(Br'er Rabbit had a better exit strategy from his Tar-baby)

Br'er Remus Polemic wondering what the Old Uncle would say about this Tar-Baby.
It will take the courageous few to undo the degradations of the boldy callous

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Dreams as adjuncts to our conscius motions

Even just remembering dreams is hard enough. Getting the plot and theme of the dream can be even harder. After repetitive paradigms and you overcoming your own emotional deprivations for that paticular psyche-stimulation, you come away with the conclusion that dreams are a supplement.

They enhance what you are missing in your awake (called, "mechanical state" (ME)). If you have inhibitions and repressions the dreams will have a more distorted and abstract symbolism-your own Picasso-dream. If you are open the dreams will be straight forward.

Dreams round out and satiate those aspects of our personality we don't use but for which we have sympathetic aesthetics. Dreams are that supplemental part of the day we need to feel whole. The dreams may produce, retrospectively, a nostalgic want or desire. But seen from a reductionist point of view, the dream is adding to your mechanical senses what your visceral emotions do not participate into the degree the habits for the subconscious indicate.

Dream the dreams, and be open and willing in your mechanical, conscious moments.

(It will take the courage of the sacrificing few to undo the predations of the audaciously callous)

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The American Awakening

The American Awakening
The contra-declaration to the Bush Administration and Iraq War Proponents and their supply-side free traders

As the Pols laud the Sunni Awakening as the lights leading us to the end of the tunnel, let this grass-roots polemicist praise "The American Awakening".
Coincidentally and symbolically the electorate has arisen from a 40 year night-mare slumber of post-assassination traumatic stress syndrome that had us in despair, apathy, and cynicism. And like the Hebrews who wandered in the Sinai for 40 years before reaching the Promised Land, our "promised land" is within reach with the consituencies of progressive and reform candidates who have found the hand of the persons to which to pass "The Torch".
We "awakened with a terrible resolve" to disdain the pretnders and ersatz-tribunes of the people and place in power those who KNOW that our common needs are their authority and our will is their justification-not the privileged or special interests of bought or pet lobbies.

Let the brave few lead the way to undo the predations of the boldly callous.

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The cultural truths behind Rev. Wright

Rev. Wright & Barack Obama:
The social and racial politics of Jim Crow and Black Liberation theology's affect in the 2008 Election

As sent to the Obama campaign and posted on their blog site:RACE & REV WRIGHT

From my black experience, the Rev's comments have been part of the shared communications between individual and groups of black people from Marcus Garvey to Elijah Muhammed's Nation of Islam to the secularly sainted Malcolm X. For black people there is little that Rev. Wright uttered that has not been said in barbershops, beauty salons, as well as on street corners between shared sips out of a bottle.

Though these comments and thoughts have and still do exist, their rhetorical currency is more passe in the context of today in which the more recent generations have lived a more culturally mixed experience. The resentment from de jure and de facto discrimination and segregation has been draining from the psyche of many to most black people. Even though these times are hard, black folks know first hand that there are white, brown, and other ethnics who share the same hardships that we face today-economically and culturally.

The expressions of Rev Wright are best characterized as the old school idiosyncracies that are heard, tolerated, but ignored as individual drama and his own personal entertainment that he has used in his formal position of promotion for his church: Everyone would come to see what the Rev is going to say next. He was the surrogate "crazy uncle in the attic" people could talk about during the week. The bombasticity of his sermons drowned out any serious points he was trying to make. The style and tone became the message instead of the context.

In THAT context is the explanation for the seemingly sanguine acceptance and association with the Rev.. Everyone has a "unique" relative with iconoclastic and provocative views. We, by blood or circumstance, personally have ties with them, but we can privately and openly disagree with their public demonstrations. As a Chicago-based politician, your association was not such a big deal, since he did not substantially influence your political or later spiritual development, as your speeches have articulated.

It is up to you to show that distinction of a broad spectrum of openness to people, but still being able to keep your own integrity and convictions despite the paradoxical odd-couplings you have in your personal realm.
It will take the courageous few to undo the degradations of the boldy callous

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The Metaphysics of Substance Abuse

Libertarian Materialism as Metaphysical and Physical Substance Abuse

The opiate of the masses is the ethos of consumerism and its capitalistic economic motivator

This substance abuse exists with all the attending self-abusive behaviors. My libertarian friends and their allies would say that the individual has such an autonomous right. To them I would say that that it is nice absolutist, utopian, and millenial rhetoric. Yet, when a person of "individual" but self-destructive choices negatively impacts the road-kill (figuratively and literally) in the path of their journey of absolutism of the individual, it no longer is a "privacy" issue. It is a public issue.

Materialism should be seen as the Buddhist see "desire". Unlike the Buddhist who are stereotyped as seeking no more than pondering the lint hair of their belly-button, the limits of human desire should be seen as that similar to a hyperbolic math function that has indefinite ends but approaches a limit.

Our materialism has led to an over-indulgence that shows it self as gross and over-extravagant on so many levels. Worse, to the same chagrin of my libertarian friends, we utilize a coercive third party to facilitate and enable our recipe of indulgence. Materialism has left a psychological wound of dependence on things OUTSIDE of our individual and covalent GROUP potential, so that it is a definition of happiness and its pursuit in the most degrading and degenerate ways imaginable along the entire spectrum, left-to-right, rich-to-poor.

As Crosby, Stills, and Nash sang, "There is a Law". Creationist SHOULD be "the Law's" absolute champion, but they have devolved into sectarian parsing of self-interests. If the "LORD's" Earth IS his dominion, and we are a part of that dominion, then we cannot be so lawless in the absolutism of our self-serving, temporaneous desires that we in denial attribute to the evil of the devil, Lucifer.
It will take the courageous few to undo the degradations of the boldy callous
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Beyond Tribal Nationalism

We are an interconnected species politically, as wellas economically, as the past seven years have demonstrated.