Monday, April 14, 2008

Toxic Metaphysics

Toxic culture

The environmental pollutions are an extension of the cognitive pollution that has contaminated our perceptions and their precipatated presumptions. Our whole mechanism of judgement has been degraded by the perversions of thought which have infected our logic with virus efficiency.

We need to quarantine ourselves from eachoother, not out of fear, but to fast ourselves from the addictive stimulations the cultural environment attacks our senses. Only after we have had our cold-turkey deprivations from the hyper-stimulations, and experienced the tranquility of the peace within the uncluttered mind without distractive, diverting chatter will we have a focus to determine the essentials and essence value of ourselves and others in a social and civic environment.

It will take the courageous few to begin to undo the predations of the audaciously callous.

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