Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Seeking workers of the spiritual journey

We need the workers to carry the burden of spiritual responsibility. The reality of spiritual service is in the humbling experience of that which is besides material comforts and public rewards.

The value is in the treasure of service. Within the service are the insights and engagements with the phenomena of syncrhonicity that provide the marvels of intellect and events. At these portals of awareness we face our eternity of the past and future from the resonances of te present moment. The present moment carries the winds of wisdom that provide the symbols and signs that provide the code to unlock the mysteries of our existence and purpose.

Our passionate involvement in the present moment of metaphorical extrapolations we see the architecture of the design and its functional purpose within the natural history of the world and the cosmos.

This is for those who have shed the baggage of ego and its ambitions of vanity. It is for the soul whose wealth is shared in his character and not some external account of possession. The greatest possession is the sharing of your extension of the universe with others.

Gratuities of insight can be shared at wwww.paypal.com account, Pr_Arjuna@yahoo.com.
