Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Metaphysics of Substance Abuse

Libertarian Materialism as Metaphysical and Physical Substance Abuse

The opiate of the masses is the ethos of consumerism and its capitalistic economic motivator

This substance abuse exists with all the attending self-abusive behaviors. My libertarian friends and their allies would say that the individual has such an autonomous right. To them I would say that that it is nice absolutist, utopian, and millenial rhetoric. Yet, when a person of "individual" but self-destructive choices negatively impacts the road-kill (figuratively and literally) in the path of their journey of absolutism of the individual, it no longer is a "privacy" issue. It is a public issue.

Materialism should be seen as the Buddhist see "desire". Unlike the Buddhist who are stereotyped as seeking no more than pondering the lint hair of their belly-button, the limits of human desire should be seen as that similar to a hyperbolic math function that has indefinite ends but approaches a limit.

Our materialism has led to an over-indulgence that shows it self as gross and over-extravagant on so many levels. Worse, to the same chagrin of my libertarian friends, we utilize a coercive third party to facilitate and enable our recipe of indulgence. Materialism has left a psychological wound of dependence on things OUTSIDE of our individual and covalent GROUP potential, so that it is a definition of happiness and its pursuit in the most degrading and degenerate ways imaginable along the entire spectrum, left-to-right, rich-to-poor.

As Crosby, Stills, and Nash sang, "There is a Law". Creationist SHOULD be "the Law's" absolute champion, but they have devolved into sectarian parsing of self-interests. If the "LORD's" Earth IS his dominion, and we are a part of that dominion, then we cannot be so lawless in the absolutism of our self-serving, temporaneous desires that we in denial attribute to the evil of the devil, Lucifer.
It will take the courageous few to undo the degradations of the boldy callous
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