Sunday, April 13, 2008

The American Awakening

The American Awakening
The contra-declaration to the Bush Administration and Iraq War Proponents and their supply-side free traders

As the Pols laud the Sunni Awakening as the lights leading us to the end of the tunnel, let this grass-roots polemicist praise "The American Awakening".
Coincidentally and symbolically the electorate has arisen from a 40 year night-mare slumber of post-assassination traumatic stress syndrome that had us in despair, apathy, and cynicism. And like the Hebrews who wandered in the Sinai for 40 years before reaching the Promised Land, our "promised land" is within reach with the consituencies of progressive and reform candidates who have found the hand of the persons to which to pass "The Torch".
We "awakened with a terrible resolve" to disdain the pretnders and ersatz-tribunes of the people and place in power those who KNOW that our common needs are their authority and our will is their justification-not the privileged or special interests of bought or pet lobbies.

Let the brave few lead the way to undo the predations of the boldly callous.

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