Tuesday, March 21, 2023



This 45 part series of vignettes with their audio file compliments give the slice of the expanse that motivates the (ir)rationales of the excuses and apologetics for this reality we deem as ‘civilization’.

A series of verbal vignettes that are a survey of the expanse in the first person, and to the observed, and to the reported deeds and thoughts of we medulla-guided beings of this ‘species-intelligence' in all its inglorious dimensions.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Language of a/the Hustle


Language of a/the Hustle

This topic derived from a notion I had of the developed verbosity of my step-daughter's son, who 7-years ago had trouble putting together a sentence, and now because of his interactions with his remote video game partners is the most verbose by volume of words spoken in this house right now. Even more important was his relationship with others and his increased estimation of himself.

I'm going to touch on the issue of 'wokism' and 'CRT' as analogous to what the maternal grandson has achieved for himself. The extensive conversations engendered while playing the video games with remote players has developed a culture of lexicon and vocabulary that has taken him from an emotional dependency to a mercenary dependency. The former dependency was from an inability. The latter is from the newly found self-definition of himself and consequently those in his functional environment. His language development and sense of identity shows the importance of the language WE CHOOSE for our own mental navigation with and among others. The degree the language we choose is of our personal choice for our navigational and simultaneously emotional needs is the degree of our own self-determination.

It's at this point that 'the hustle' becomes pertinent to this topic. When I talk about 'the hustle', I'm talking about the means we employ 'to get by', 'to make it' on whatever terms is necessary to adapt, adjust, accommodate ourselves to our circumstances [NOT THE DANCE]

Getting-by as a 'Hustle' was classically and is still derived from surviving from hand-to-mouth on the street. It was by and for an expedient ends-surviving, getting by. It became an extrapolated metaphor of 'surviving', 'getting-by' in the slum, a ghetto.

Thing about it now, is that people live in the slums and ghettoes of their minds, as they see [though don't recognize it] in the same way that people on the streets do things for things and status. It's done away from the streets in more pristine environs. Yet, the motivations are very similar.

The rat-race for trappings, whether for survival or for comfort and luxuries brings out similar rationales of expedience.

It's all about getting out of the rat-race and being free. I'd say that even for the rich with connections and influence it's still 'the great escape'. Being in a position above it all to the street hustler's being a part of an all-enveloping game is the difference of perspective with the socially and legally connected and influential to the street counter-part.

The hustler may call you a pimp or a whore, not as a slander of you but equating you in his outing-idioms by how you act. Whether you are run by others or you run others is the class distinction of street hustlers. Trapping are no more than the props of your hustle. Your pretentions a. His nd posturing are 'the con' of your hustle.

Bringing it back to language and culture, language and its lexicon are part of the aura of illusion by which you define yourself and those like you for the way you act and resultingly are.

It's here that people pimp themselves out and become whores of their own lexicon of linguistics. Give anyone, any group an exclusive space for themselves, their thoughts and choice of word descriptions then you have the self-aura of word illusions. Pimped out and whored-out by your own aura of words-a self-generated/inflicted caste.

When it's said, 'Don't blame the Playa. Blame the Game.', I'm brought back to that 11 year old kid budding verbosity from playing remote competition on video games. His verbosity of language, its lexicon of self-identity come from the context of being a playa of those games. We have developed in similar ways for our self-identification and purpose by the agenda of games that comprise how we get by and get-it-on in our 'hustle'!

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Freedom of Body & MIND...

 There's a confluence of emergence of things. 

Those things come in various forms and from various directions. You can see the means to what ever provincial  ends they are promoting. What they promote with the audacity of verity and the presumptuous righteousness of their cultural smug insularity is an existence that gives them an entitlement. Whether the entitlement is from their present advantages of status or the disadvantages of their status, their means rationalize an exemption for being accountable for the unethicalities of those means characterized as a just utilitarian defense.

In contrast, there are the eruptive outbreaks of a free life being exhibited, for the sake of life, itself. It could be civically asymmetric and "criminal" to being outlandishly provocative in its counter-cultural exhibition. Both represent a defiance to the matric of behavioral choreography set for the programmed thinking and behavior the rest exist in their provincial cul de sacs of insular conformity.

As one person mentioned to me, "Each creates their own reality". By declaring that affirm the figurative sense of the Hindi caste system, as well undermining their own moral rationalizations and smugness. Yet, as a witness observing and now giving this testimony, the 'Freedoms' expressed are of different qualities. One freedom is based on trappings that are 'the objects of evidence' for their existence. This contrasts with the other extreme that is the near nihilistic joy in the moment, for which the moment is enshrined, and the tangible trappings of the consequences of that enshrined moment being  some level of inconsequential.

In this present historical environment, in which those of aesthetic trappings of consequence are in a zealousness of conservation that has all-the-trappings of self-preservation. Life has become a life-or-death effort. With that others become their incidental collateral damage of regretful or apologetic rationalizations. Yet, life is degraded and degenerated in this martially-minded aggression at its most proto-versions. Life is just struggle??

On the nihilistic, exhibitionist extreme life becomes a cathartic rapture of equal sacrifice of one's own than some others' life. Metaphorically similar to that Vietnam-era photo of the Buddhist monk who immolated himself in the streets, but in the figurative sense of a rapturous devotion to exhibiting a free-will to a chosen self-destructive extreme in the passion.

Or is it the operational efficiency of the cockroach. The aesthetics-of-life are the operations of the basic sustenance and maintenance in the shared atmospherics of some compulsive purpose to serve 'Life' for where ever one exists

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Rock and a Hard place-360 degrees of abuse

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 Are You Feeling Completely Stuck? - The Happy Sensitive

Rock and a hard spot for many from each of their mostly separated locales and versions of their particular abuse exploitation of the 'ruling class' known on Army latrine stall walls from the point of view of the drafted GI's in '70-'74, 'the Unwilling Serving the Arrogant Ruling the Many in Your name.

Eisenhower's warning of a Mil-Indus-Complex has morphed into a network of enabling oligarchist and wanna-be plutocrats. What was portrayed in Godfather-II of the Havana Meet in pre-Castro Cuba by the mob bosses licking their lips of having financial control of a government existing under an autocratically designed constitution that suited their ends was not lost on those who used Lee Harvey Oswald, who played the part as their patsy in their assassination of JFK, whose planned withdrawal in disenchantment from Vietnam and rapprochement with the Ruskis would be starving the slush fund of over-budget contract being paid out, as well as the Civil Rights tendency that would come after the '64 election (never realizing that LBJ had strong populist equity sentiments as much as the Eastern blue blood Kennedys were coming to accept. Civil rights for the least precipitates the empowerment of assertion of rights and necessary entitlements (health care-housing-wage equity) by the general public.

The Origins of That Eisenhower 'Every Gun That Is Made...' Quote Ben Stein ar Twitter: "Michael Corleone attends Hyman Roth's birthday in  Havana. #Cuba https://t.co/7S8LLW3IoX" / Twitter 

What was JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald's link to New Orleans? Curious  Louisiana finds many. | Curious Louisiana | nola.comBlack America Before LBJ's "Great Society": How the Welfare State Helped  Ruin Black Communities

Dems fearing a socialist revolution that would end their pretensions of liberal minded sympathetes and access to the shared good cop/bad cop power with the Dixiecrats/proto-free markets-GOP wanting to maintain their control of the social hierarchy positions they had culturally and economically over their respective under classes have played a game that has its most audacious abuse in the Israeli-Zionist-Palestinian-Arab Nationalist deadlock. Do just enough to keep the Israeli-Zionist power structure as it is while providing feckless rhetoric and ineffectual token aid to the Palestinians.

Israel destroys residential building in brutal Gaza assault

They feed on money not abstract sentiments. How ever they can contort themselves to look as if they ever had ethical or moral sentiments when the amoral acts of impunity would create a rhetorical backlash, at the least: they do it.

The Psychology of Money Summary - Four Minute Books

There's NEVER been a democracy, per se. Just a gradual break down of oligarchic and plutocratic privilege. But the breakdown got to the point where the ruling class and those benefiting from it saw that 'Democracy' was too expensive to continue domestically in the form of wide spread distribution of tangible wealth that would put limits on their earnings. So 'over there' to developing countries as China and India, then SE Asia and eventually Africa where the human an raw resources are cheaper to come by then in the democratizing domestic domain.

Roots of American ValuesResearch Guide: Plutocratic Insurgency - The Gilded Age Redux | Small Wars  Journal

Election Day's Big Winner Is Oligarchy | The Snitch

Like starved pack of animals we fight with each other over the scraps WE ARE ALLOWED to have.

Friday, May 27, 2022

As they exist in their contemporaneous hubris!

 Have what ever reasons you choose.
The reality and depths of the wretched destitution and unwanted misery reside in the fabric of this soulless civic, seeking the solution which their pain has numbed to an anesthetized dystopia avoidance for fear of losing this miserable existence's sensations-the sum total of their cherished being.
The sacred vernacular and colloquial that's used more for signifying and social posturing that became a cultural censor and consensus, than a clarifying analysis of 'what is', it is bastardized and prostituted worse than the human representations of those terms.

More insidious is the herd "bravado" that exists in defining what and who is by that vain and feckless 'sacred vernacular and colloquial' that allows shows of social consensus of performance cultural angst for comfort in the absence of engagement in moralistic grand standing in amoralistic circumstances!

As some have asked of my identity...

But first, to answer the comments of my verbalisms. It can be prose, which gives neutered, reductionist facts of instruction-or hopefully-information. Or it can be an abstract art that affects and forces us to no longer be detached, but emotionally engaged.
I see that an "artist" is unconcerned of the value others will place on what's been created. Much as the MGM logo states
, ARS GRATIA ARTIS [art for the sake of art], I attempt to cohere, if not adhere to the spirit of that dictum.

I do it for those souls living in muttering resentment to their secular overlords leverage of economic or emotional power over them. I do it for those inspiring souls, who-for me-were prematurely aborted by their Icarus lifestyles that were a misfit for their time and place. For these and others who aren't allowed or unable to have such a platform to procreate into the moment, I do this.
Speaking of 'procreation', I will address the defamations about my 'identity'. Unlike those who bind themselves to their provincial place in this time and space, I've come to see myself as an extrapolated, metamorphic reincarnation of the history of my birth date's agelessness heralding of endings/beginning of things. I am the progeny of the eruption of Vesuvius which buried Pompeii, the bringing to end of Rome by the Goths, the brutality done to the Huguenots in France, the winds of Hurricane Andrew upon the shores of southern Florida-the announcement/pronouncement of the change's advent-historically and seasonally. What dominated before was no more. I unconsciously, at first, and now more compulsively consciously now am and have been that irrepressible new moment which is an inherent challenge to those of smug presumption of what is in form and substance. THAT IS WHO I AM, beyond the identifiable an from the anonymous and anomalous.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Beyond your temporal ego to your timeless being


Beyond your temporal ego to your timeless being < Pi-edPiperHound

Once you get home and unwind, if at all. Where does your mind and soul reside? Sleep Recliner Outlet Store, UP TO 65% OFF | www.aramanatural.esIn the irksome agitations of the day. In the exhilarations of your engaging the day's moments? The after-work physical and mental venues of escape?

In one of those venues of escape, are there insights on things you noticed about yourself that were more applicable to other things 

than the time, place, and 

events in which they 

were taken note? Were 

those things transcendent in quality 

and for your present thinking and future behavior?

If that former narrative rings true in your memory of things, have there been other similar insights


that are related in the nature of being transcending thoughts and perspective changes of behavior?

It's these things that remove you from the immediacy of your present circumstances and the roles you choose or are obliged to assume for those circumstances, does it bring you to a stoic place of detachment and connected to grander principles and their aesthetic trappings that envelope those principles?

Those aesthetic trappings bring you to an attitude that what your expressing or exhibiting isn't for the benefit of your ego's admiration or status for itself or from others. What you 

first see retrospectively and now is prospectively being a channel and 

the vessel-pawn of a perceived imperative of Time's demands in its visitation to the doings of the temporal moment.

In that retrospective insight and prospective willingness, you acknowledge yourself being a citizen of eternal Time, that has its own standards that go past doing things for your standing among others in your physical and social space in the present, but in support of the future consequence beyond yours or your contemporaries presents angst of conceivable thoughts and emotions


de Ol'Hound

Saturday, April 2, 2022

As relevant to day as it was on my graduation day in June 1972!

Elijah Anderson on the burden of being Black in white spaces
Elijah Anderson, Sterling Professor of Sociology and African American Studies, discusses his latest book, “Black in White Space,” which documents the unique challenges facing Black people as they navigate overwhelmingly white settings and struggle to overcome stereotypes that continue to stigmatize them.

The  pressures to be cohesive and acculturated in micro-social interactions and the indirect institutional manifestations and decorum have created the friction that E. Anderson expounds upon. The lack of a nuanced, intimate empathy by most non-minority, white students to the ethos of Black people who are descendants of their ante-Bellum-to-Jim Crow progenitors and the ethos they developed as a reactive, coping mechanism to those environments that were repressive and terroristic to Black life has its latter-day modified, evolved, coping forms of non-minority attitudes of today.

Even with more integrative and pluralistic interactions that allow more latitude in the micro-interactions, the macro-scenes resistance to Critical Race Theory doctrine, per se, and other contemporary progressive (but short of hype-sensitive and over-the-top, so-called "wokeness") aspirations reveals the present nuanced distinctions of friction between Black and non-minority culture.