Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Transdimensional Spiritualities

We live in a realm of space and time that is fabricated and structured by competing paradigms. These paradigms utilize their aggregate creations as pawns to exert their will into the present and future-even changing the past.

But we pawns, also, have the same potential to effect space and time as the larger entities do. The portals of seduction left open to ensnare us to the dominion of these paradigms are also the gateway to our liberation.Those of us who had the "fortune" of non-socialization during our toddler, pre-school years were able to develop a sense of ourselves uncensored by the social and cultural extortion of our environment.

This is important, because the paradigms of public consensus are extentions of the manipulations of the contending cosmic, supra-dimensional, paradigm civilizations. Having the space and "blessing" of having a personhood at your emotional core give you an intuitive and visceral morality that will be your cognitive gyroscope. As you learn about the aspects of the "cold, cruel world", this inner person that was nurtured in your pre-socialization days of non-psyche abuse will help you navigate through the experiences to a perception that will lead to your revelation of your being and purpose.

Your being and purpose is to be one and resonate with the laws of nature physically and emotionally. Once you have achieved this congruence, the harmonic resonance will lead you intuitively and synchronistically to and through your "imperatives".

First, you must be desocialized from the coccoon of culture that forces outside of your person sought to indoctrinate you. This is the great challenge and struggle that will preoccupy and obssess you. This aspect exists because of the paradigms designed to keep you "confined" to the conventions. We exist in a realm in which our very emotions are monitored and detected. The analogy of the invisible fence we use with dogs is similar to the monitoring and detection we are subject to. This is NOT the monitoring that people speak of governments attempting and doing to us. This is like picking up pirate broadcasts with a radio receiver. When our emotions and energies operate outside of those bands; obstructions, distractions, and diversions are placed in our path to redomesticate us back into the herd culture.

The macro-paradigms are a cartel and donot want competing wills of thought. They desire subservience and subordination. The hierarchial paradigms of organization that have DOMINAted on Earth for all these millenia are more than an anthropological development. Those hierarchial paradigms are a seeded interjection by the "possession" of souls to control others by the "inspirations" (literally) of the macro-paradigms.

Paradigms that would be insurrectionary were repressed not only for their historical, temporal subversion but also for their competitive contra-metaphysical value of being counter-subordinate spiritually. Our cultural mindset has been to persecute and confine those who are behaviorally differnt, be they autistic to "socio-pathic". These "anomalies" showed too much independence and liberation from the conventions and patterns of culture to be accepted. They were and are examples of alter-consciousnesses.

Having a strong intuitve or conscious sense of self is a threat to the temporal order and their paradigm masters. Metaphysical narratives have been constructed providng the primordial myths and legends that coopt or subsume most initiatives of thought.
For those of us who make it beyond this maze of webs, the whole terror of ill-fortune and ill-fate descend upon us.

Be of good cheer. They cannot destroy you who are in the grace of your personhood. Only YOU can be the self-abuser and self-destroyer of your existence. The positiveness of this, is modulated by the negative influences of the temporal culture that have not been desocialized from your thinking. Narcisstic to nihilistic impulses can be as annihilating as being entrapped in the paradigms of the past. One's ego must be no more than a cognitive operator without any aesthetic bigotry in its biases and prejudices.

You must be utilitarianly equinaminous to the qualites, seeing them as symbolic synchronicities and serendipities of time. Time is the organic consciousness and physical dynamic that speaks to us in revelatory signs and symbols when our minds and faculties are not contaminated with degrading paradigms of cultural obsessions.

Your inner person is a receiver and a transmitter. Through temporal, sensual contact and from the abstraction of dreams, the uncontaminated (decontaminated) mind is at rest and peace until the signal spurs it to its "natural" harmonic and resonant affinities. In those affinitive seeking actions you will perform those actions that perform the laws of nature and provide you the affirmation of your mystical connection and existence.

"It will take the daring, courageous to undo the predations of the audaciously callous"

Contribute donations at http://www.paypal.com/ account Pr_Arjuna@yahoo.com.

contact: LucifersHeretic@gmail.com

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